Sunday, May 18, 2008

Passion again

Ok... so it all started this morning... when I went to bed. All night I kept having dreams about children all over the world. It was so strange that I would have a dream about children at all, but these weren't good dreams by any means. You see the children that I was coming across in my dreams were all near death. They were all too young to help themselves and they all needed me to come to their rescue. I kept waking up thinking of those children, but the one that stuck out the most was the last one. I was walking down this long dusty path in the middle of nowhere and I saw a trash pile... it was in a stange place... kind of out of the way of anything. As I was walking past the pile I heard one of the trash cans kind of cling. When I looked at the trash can I saw a little boy. He was not old enough to walk, but could crawl (if he weren't trapped in a trash can). Then I looked over and saw another little boy that was not even past the infant stage. He was wrapped in a baby blanket and just left... for dead. I woke up crying. I can't believe the audacity of people. I began to wonder what would drive someone to do something so vile to these innocent children. The truth is this kind of thing happens all over the world every day. Then it hit me... the only thing that could cause someone to do something this horrible is hopelessness. It made me think about what I'm doing with my life right now. I love missions and I so badly want to finish my education so that I can get to the mission field. The world is throwing away everything including the future and it is all because they have no hope. I can share with them... I know the King of Hope.

You see lately I have kind of gotten caught up in the lagistics and the business of things and I have begun to let my relationship with God suffer because of it. You know what I'm talking about when I say that life gets busy maybe it is finals or presentations. Who knows? But God has called us to put all the business second to him. Well after my little revalation with the dream I went to church. It was simply amazing to feel the pressence of God move in such an awesome way. I was really felling that God was calling me to surrender to him and make a public statement of that. When the altar call came Pastor started talking about how if we really want to be used of God then we should tell him and let him know. That was my cue. I went to the altar and God just began to show me things in my life.

For all these years I have just kind of lived my life to myself and not let anybody know about anything. God has brought me out of so much in my life, but I have just kept it personal. I realized this morning that my testimony (if used in full) could impact so many lives. I have to learn to be so comfortable with my past (successes and failures) that I can share them with people that are hurting. I have to be vulnerable... I have to be see through... Ihave to be that glass house so that people can see that I'm the real deal and that I truly do care about them. It is time to quit playing the line game... It is time for me to quit being lukewarm and stagnant like it talks about in Revalation 3:16. It is time for me to take that passion and run with it and not back down. It is time for me to do my part in changing the world for God's glory.

Well I love you guys and I pray that you guys find your passions too.

- James

Psalm 46:10

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thank goodness.

Hey all! So here goes nothing... Third blog in a row... This time I'm not so bored anymore, so that is a GOOD thing. I'm sitting here with Kelly (my girlfriend), Elijah, and Elisha (my two cats). We just finished watching one of my favorite movies EVER... August Rush. It is such an amazing movie. It was Kelly's first time watching the movie and she liked it too. Thank goodness... if she didn't like it someone in this relationship would be unhappy... either she would be forced to watch a movie that she didn't like or I wouldn't be able to watch the best movie on the planet. She is sitting here watching every word that I'm writing, which is funny considering a blog is something "Private". I mean... I don't get it. We get online and write our deepest darkest secrets and treat this thing like a journal. Then we let a million people read them from all over the world. lol Then we love it. I don't know how it works. Well anyways, I may be going out with Kelly now so I will talk to you later! Bye!

- James
Psalm 46:10

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Boredom... that is all

So yeah… It has been summer for 2 days now…and I’m already bored. WOW. Yesterday was great I got to come home and see my family for the first time in a while! I love them so much! It was also cool because I got to come home with my best friend Justin… He is an awesome character. We had a lot of fun. This morning I got to go shopping with my mom and sister, but now I’m just sitting here… bored as can be. Lol I thought I would blog and come up with something life changing to post on the web, but we can all see how far that went. Ha ha ha. So basically, I’m done blogging and letting everyone know how bored I am… instead I’m going to go call someone and see if I can not be so bored anymore… Great Idea!

- James

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The end of year 2

Wow... the end is here for the second time. The first time brought a lot more tears and many more sad goodbyes. However, I felt safe and secure going to a new place. Now I'm done with the tears and well... I'm not secure at all. It is so crazy how this year has gone by. I came to Virginia as a perfectly awkward teenager with so many personal (to myself) goals. Then I became part of group that kind of made me become outgoing. Then I loved everything about that group. Then the group got shredded apart. Now I'm at the end of the second year with no way of coming back to this school, but I'm not tearful. I'm even a little past scared. I know God has his plans to keep me safe and I know he has the future in his hands. That is all that matters. Now mostly everyone is gone. I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm STOKED about it! I can't wait to see my mom and little sister. I am so glad that God put me here this year and I hope he puts me here again. I can't wait to see what he does! I just keep telling myself that it is thrills, romance, and adventure... I'm in the adventure stage right now!

God I love you and I thank you for being who you have always been. I know you created the universe and everything in it. Therefore, I know you can provide my way and make my journey worth while. Your amazing!

- James