Saturday, May 10, 2008

Boredom... that is all

So yeah… It has been summer for 2 days now…and I’m already bored. WOW. Yesterday was great I got to come home and see my family for the first time in a while! I love them so much! It was also cool because I got to come home with my best friend Justin… He is an awesome character. We had a lot of fun. This morning I got to go shopping with my mom and sister, but now I’m just sitting here… bored as can be. Lol I thought I would blog and come up with something life changing to post on the web, but we can all see how far that went. Ha ha ha. So basically, I’m done blogging and letting everyone know how bored I am… instead I’m going to go call someone and see if I can not be so bored anymore… Great Idea!

- James

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