Monday, May 12, 2008

Thank goodness.

Hey all! So here goes nothing... Third blog in a row... This time I'm not so bored anymore, so that is a GOOD thing. I'm sitting here with Kelly (my girlfriend), Elijah, and Elisha (my two cats). We just finished watching one of my favorite movies EVER... August Rush. It is such an amazing movie. It was Kelly's first time watching the movie and she liked it too. Thank goodness... if she didn't like it someone in this relationship would be unhappy... either she would be forced to watch a movie that she didn't like or I wouldn't be able to watch the best movie on the planet. She is sitting here watching every word that I'm writing, which is funny considering a blog is something "Private". I mean... I don't get it. We get online and write our deepest darkest secrets and treat this thing like a journal. Then we let a million people read them from all over the world. lol Then we love it. I don't know how it works. Well anyways, I may be going out with Kelly now so I will talk to you later! Bye!

- James
Psalm 46:10

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